31 May 2010

15 Awesome 3D Text Effect Tutorials


Losing Internet connection every time screensaver activates

I've had this problem for a while now: Every time my screensaver kicks in, it kills my Internet connection. Well, I finally figured out what was causing it from this thread.

As one person points out, I needed to do this:
Start --> Programs --> Accessories --> Communications --> Network Connections --> Right-click on the Local Area Connection and select Properties --> Click on the Configure... button --> Select the Power Management tab --> Ensure that Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power. is unchecked.

RSA Animate - The Empathic Civilisation

RSA Animate - Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us

80+ Amazing Paintings Which Belongs to Indian History


Places to For Creative Inspiration #4


Tons of great tutorials and tips for Adobe CS products


Creative Contrast With a Background Blur


120 Excellent Examples of CSS Horizontal Menu


25 May 2010

Open Source HTML5 Video Player – Video JS


Lets Get Inspired – Top 10 CSS Galleries of 2010


HTML5 Reset Stylesheet


Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 HTML5 Pack

The Dreamweaver CS5 HTML5 Pack adds the following functionality to an already great product:
  • Introduces the Multiscreen Preview panel, allowing for Live View display on 3 different screen sizes, with Media Query support. (Window > Multiscreen Preview)
  • Adds code hinting for the HTML5 Tag Library with new tags, attributes, and properties.
  • Updates code hinting for new attributes and values in existing HTML tags.
  • Adds code hinting for the following CSS3 specifications: 2D/3D Transformations; Animations; Background and Border; Basic User Interface; Line Layout; Marquee; Media Queries; MultiColumn; Ruby; Text; and Transitions.
  • Updates Live View to support <video> and <audio>. (Requires Quicktime installation.)
  • Improved rendering for CSS3 in Live View.
  • Adds HTML5 starter layouts to the New Document Dialog box.
  • Offers better rendering for new tags in Design View.

20 May 2010

Google Into Fonts! Google Font API & Font Directory

This looks like the easiest way to use non-Web fonts on pages: http://www.greepit.com/2010/05/google-into-fonts-google-font-api-font-directory/

Here's an example using the Tangerine font:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Tangerine">
body {
font-family: 'Tangerine', serif;
font-size: 48px;
<h1>Making the Web Beautiful!</h1>

They also provide a font directory to see what's available.

Some great jQuery plugins & tutorials


Quickly Remove Background Imagery in Photoshop


19 May 2010

CSS3 Solutions for Internet Explorer


25 Creative 404 Error Page Designs


25+ Free PSD Resources For Designers


50 Ultimate Useful Free MAC Applications


jQuery TinyCarousel

Weighing in at 2.33Kb compressed: http://www.greepit.com/2010/05/carousel-content-slider-tiny-carousel/

Places To Go For Inspiration May 16, 2010


200+ Very Useful Free Photoshop Actions, Enhancement, Colouring, Effects, Filters etc


Subscribe for Full RSS Feed Follow on Twitter CSS Programming For .NET Applications – dotlesscss


Subscribe for Full RSS Feed Follow on Twitter Text and Image Based CAPTCHA Scripts Collection


Kevin Lynch, Adobe CTO & SVP, Interview @ Web 2.0 Expo

Interview with Adobe CTO & SVP.

Selection Modifier Keys in Photoshop


50 Beautiful Free iPad Wallpapers for your New Desktop


List Of Creative Web Designer And Graphic Designer Websites


Optional plug-ins available for Photoshop CS5


Welcome to HTML5 and CSS3 – Tools, Resources & Frameworks

A ton of great resources and tools: http://www.greepit.com/2010/05/welcome-to-html5-and-css3-tools-resources-frameworks/

One that caught my eye: CSS3, Please! The Cross-Browser CSS3 Rule Generator

Video Encoding Cookbook and Profile Guidelines for the Adobe Flash Platform


06 May 2010

Adobe Story: online screenwriting tool

Adobe has a beta product included with their Premium CS5 (and higher products), Adobe Story, to enable online screenwriting. It looks very promising and I can't wait to try it out. It even has a desktop app for working offline.

05 May 2010

Adobe CS5: great reason to move to a 64-bit OS

The latest Adobe Creative Suite contains apps that will require 64-bit operating systems; the two apps include Premiere Pro and After Effects. So if you've been sitting on the fence about 64-bit OSes, now's the time to make the move.

03 May 2010

Get IE 8 to behave like 7

Believe it or not, IE7 works better for much of what I'm doing; IE8 hasn't made things better at all. To get IE8 (or the upcoming 9) to behave like 7, use the following line in the head tag:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" />
Of course, 9 will add a ton of HTML5 and CSS3 features and is worth exploring and then making a judgment on it merits.

Very cool jStackMenu


jQuery Cursor Hover Plugin


jQuery Bubble Popup v.1.1


30 Websites Providing High Quality Free Photoshop Brushes for Download


Using the Screen Blend Mode in Photoshop


Run IE6, 7, and 8 on the same PC

If you need to test your apps on multiple versions of IE, you've run into the problem where Windows will only allow one IE version to be installed on the box. There are ways to get around this limitation, such as using Virtual PC, etc.

But I'd like to run IE native on the OS. In the past, the great MultipleIEs from TredoSoft did the trick: You had IE7 already installed, and the tool added all the previous versions you needed. Now with IE8, it's a little trickier.

After installing IE8 and the great Multiple-IE app from TredoSoft, follow the instructions they provide to add a standalone IE7 to your box. I used the IE7 Standalone exe, which automatically downloads IE7 and does all the work for you.

The first time I started the standalone IE7, it didn't seem to work correctly. After shutting it down and restarting, it worked like a charm.